Autel IM608 II / IM508S Program 2018 Toyota Highlander AKL
Learn to program 2018 Toyota Highlander all keys lost with Autel IM608 II by OBD.
Autel MaxilM IM608 II /
IM508S can program the 2018 Toyota Highlander all smart keys lost by OBD successfully. Need to use the APB112 smart key simulator together.
Following I'll show the procedure step by step.
1. IMMO Data Backup
IMMO >> Accept >> Toyota >> Manual Selection >> USA >> HIGHL ANDER >> 2013-2019 >> Smart Key >> OK >> Control Unit >> Keyless System >>
Keyless System(CAN) >> Back up IMMO data >> Back up IMMO data(OBD)
Ensure that the network connection of the device is good.
Turn the ignition off, and turn the hazard warning lamps on and off once.
This function is used to back up the EEPROM data of the smart box of the vehicle. The data can be used to generate the simulator key for the emergency start of
the vehicle to perform the key matching function.
You must turn off the Bluetooth function of the device and connect the VCI to the diagnostic tool via a USB cable, otherwise the function fail
Reading immobilizer data
Backup succeed.
2. Generate APB112 Simulator Key
Generate analog key >> Select the EEPROM data
Key type. SLK3
Please connect the
APB112 Key Simulator.
Generate analog key complete!
Note: The analog key must be powered on, never cut off!
Please close the analog key to the push Start / Stop button and press the StartStop button.
If the instrument lights up successfully, click "Yes" to continue.
If the instrument fails to light up, click "No" to continue generating the next analog key.
Generate analog key successfully!
Note: The analog key must be powered on, never cut off!
Please use the analog key as the registered key to perform the "Add key" function.
3. Add Key
Add smart key >> Do you want to use the simulator key APB112? Yes
Turn on hazard warning lamps.
Each step must be completed within the specified time.
The positions for learning include. 5
Please put the analog key close to the START button.
Put a smart key to be learned close to the START button.
Learning succeeded.
Test the new key, lock and unlock OK, and start the car OK.
This is how to program the 2018 Toyota Highlander all keys lost with
Autel IM608 Pro2 via OBD.