Product Description
Autel Maxisys Elite / Elite II have one year free update time. After one year, you need to buy update. Now we provide this update service for you, you only need give us your serial number and make an order on our website, we will provide one year update service for you.
Autel Maxisys Elite / Elite II One Year Update Service
1. it will need 3-7 days For the Autel technician to open it
2. Very easy to operate, no shipping needed.
Suitable for: Autel
Maxisys Elite /
Elite II which are already over one year free update. (Just one year free update, no warranty included)
How to make it work?
1. After you place an order on our website and check out, please provide us your device serial number.
2. We will open one-year update authorization for you
3. The Autel technician will open the update service on Every Tuesday and Thursday
4. then you can go to Auteltech website to download the new update.
To redeem your MaxiSys Elite / Elite II:
1. Sign in to your Autel account at
2. Select Redeem on the left.
3. Select the product.
4. Peel off the label & enter the Activation code
5. Press OK Button to confirm
Wow! Instantaneous access to the new update!
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Contact information:
Whatsapp: +86-13559259264
If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. We respond to our email on 7/24.